September in Room 5!
It has been a busy first month back to school in Senior Infants! Here are some of the things we got up to!
Morning Mindfulness
Senior Infants are really enjoying practicing their mindfulness each morning. We begin by first turning on our coloured lantern and shaking our ‘mindful jar’. We then sit or lie in a comfortable position and practice our breathing together. We also choose a ‘Mindfulness Star’ each day. The class are really enjoying having a few minutes to relax and chill out before we start our day!
We started GAA last week and the class spent the time giggling and laughing. They loved playing the different games and activities outside!

Rainbow and Lion Art!
This month we were learning about different types of lines! The class really enjoyed using different colours and lines to create their lion’s mane. We experimented using straight, curved and zig zag lines. Some lion’s even had lovely long eyelashes!! This month, we also spoke about how we can use different marks and materials when creating pieces of art! Using cotton buds, the class created their own dotted rainbow! We then added coloured string and cotton wool for the clouds. They are now all hanging, brightening up Room 5!
Farewell Jack B!
We were all sad to say goodbye to Jack B and will miss him lots! We wish him all the best in his new school in Kerry!