Safety Statement
School Name: Scoil Bhríde JNS. Address: Grange Road, Donaghmede, Dublin 13
Telephone: 01-847 0014
Doctors: The Grange Clinic, 01-8480033
Priest: Fr. Declan Blake P.P. 087-9642342
Safety Officer: Niamh Ward Hospitals: Beaumont 01-809 3000 /Temple St. 01-847 4200
Safety Representative: Emma Horan Fire Brigade: Kilbarrack 01-848 1704
Person(s) responsible for First Aid: Gardaí: Coolock 01-6664200
Emma Horan Dog Warden: 01-838 3236
Board of Management Philosophy
The Board of Management recognises and accepts not only its statutory responsibilities, but also its obligations as an employer to direct, manage, and achieve, in so far as is reasonable and practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of every employee, pupil and visitor to the school.
The Board of Management believes that each employee accepts his or her legal and moral responsibilities for improving and maintaining safety, health and welfare in the workplace and for personal safety, health and welfare or that of others.
Signed____________________________________ Date_____________________
Chairperson, Board of Management
Staff are responsible for safety in their own area and the implementation of relevant safety procedures. The safety officer shall monitor safety generally and the operation of safety procedures. The safety officer will carry out a health and safety audit in all areas of the school. The principal will ensure that each employee will obtain a copy of the safety statement and will be familiar with its contents.
The Safety Officer will be responsible for overseeing the safety provisions on behalf of the school. They should be consulted if any of the employees have queries regarding any of the safety provisions mentioned in this statement.
The Safety Officer shall make the Board of Management aware of their duties with regard to the following:
- To guide and advise on all health, safety and welfare matters.
- To ensure that the school fulfils all statutory requirements in respect of the safety, health and welfare at work Act 1989.
- To ensure that the appropriate safety education and training are co-ordinated and carried out using both in house and external resources.
- To undertake regular and appropriate revision and auditing of the school safety procedures and methods of operation, to ensure that they are kept up to date.
- To ensure that adequate fire protection and prevention measures are provided.
The Safety Officer will investigate all accidents and dangerous occurrences and will ensure that appropriate statutory notification procedures are properly completed. Causes of accidents will be determined as far as is practicable and where appropriate, remedial action will be specified.
Relevant employees will be:
- Instructed in lifting and handling methods, where necessary.
- Aware of safety equipment and when/where it must be worn.
- Advised of the nature and location of fire equipment and how it is safely operated.
- Trained in the use of a defibrillator (some permanent teachers, SNAs and administrative staff). A list of all staff trained in the use of the defibrillator will be on the wall beside the defibrillator cabinet.
- Notified of any change in safety procedures.
Arrangements will be made for all electrical appliances to be checked regularly by a competent person. Before using any appliances, the user should check that:
- All safety guards, which are a normal part of the appliance, are fitted and in working order.
- Power supply/cable leads are intact and free of cuts and abrasions.
- Suitable undamaged fused plug tops are used and fitted with the correct fuse.
- Children will be made aware of the dangers of tampering with electrical equipment, sockets etc.
- Children are never to connect or disconnect electrical appliances.
Safety data sheets are supplied with all such materials. Members of staff using these materials should familiarise themselves with the hazards associated with the materials and precautions to be taken in the event of spillage, splashes, etc.
To ensure the continued welfare of employees and children, toilet and kitchen areas are provided. Staff must co-operate in maintaining a high standard of hygiene in these areas.
- Fire extinguishers are provided and sited to meet statutory and insurance requirements.
- All fire-fighting equipment is regularly tested and serviced by specialised contractors. Relevant employees will be trained in the use of fire safety equipment.
- All fire exits and emergency paths of egress are identified and kept clear at all times.
- Analysis of potential fire hazards are regularly carried out by the safety officer.
- Liaison with regular authorities takes place as is necessary.
- An evacuation procedure has been prepared as per Fire Services Act 1981 and is displayed in each room in the school. Evacuation drills will take place once per term or more often if required.
- Employees are reminded to familiarise themselves with the premises to be aware of locations of nearest fire alarm and know which emergency evacuation door applies to your classroom.
Smoking/Vaping is prohibited in all areas of the school and school grounds, including yards, carpark and walkways.
Dogs are prohibited from entering the school grounds under any circumstances.
Guide dogs and Therapy dogs are an exception to this rule.
It is the duty of every employee at work to:
- To take reasonable care for his/her own safety, health and welfare and that of any person who may be affected by his/her omissions at work.
- To co-operate with his/her employer and any other person to such extent as will enable his/her employer or other person to comply with any of the relevant statutory provisions.
- To use in such manner and so as to provide the protection intended, any suitable appliance, protective clothing, equipment or other means provided for his/her safety while at work.
- To report to the principal or safety officer without unreasonable delay, any defects in equipment or place of work which might endanger safety.
- Inform Martha/Emma if stocks are low in First Aid kits around the school.
All potentially serious accidents, whether involving staff, children or members of the public must be reported immediately to the principal and recorded in the accident book. This is necessary to monitor the progress of safety standards and to ensure that proper medical attention is given where required.
The aim of the Board of Management is to provide a healthy and safe working environment. This can be achieved with the help and assistance of all staff by:
- Observing the general rules of safety
- Using all equipment in a safe and proper manner
- Employing all proper procedures when carrying out tasks and ensuring that no practices are used which may act as a source of danger to themselves and others.
- Keeping work areas and classrooms clean and tidy at all times.
- Make sure all corridors and passageways, particularly those leading to escape routes are kept free from obstruction at all times.
- Taking care that fire points are not blocked or covered up in any way and they are ready for use if the need arises.
Parents must be informed of the importance of not exiting school by the front door and allowing others in.
There are four First Aid kits, located at both yard doors and outside the Principal’s office and one in the unit kitchen. It is the responsibility of each teacher/SNA to ensure the first aid kit is locked after use.
If the First Aid kit requires re-stocking, please inform Martha/Emma. We will order/replace supplies as necessary. Staff receive training in First Aid as part of CPD.
Please refer to policy.
Please refer to policy.
This safety statement may be altered, revised or updated at a future date so as to comply with any changes to the school. This policy is in keeping with our Child Protection and Code of Behaviour policies. This policy will be reviewed annually. If new buildings are erected or internal structural changes are carried out, the policy will be reviewed in light of these changes and any necessary changes will be ratified at the following Board of Management meeting.
Fire Drill Procedure
Emergency evacuation of the school
Person responsible for organising fire drill evacuation: Ms E. Horan
Each class teacher is responsible for instructing pupils on fire evacuation drills.
Raising the alarm
If an emergency arises the class teacher will raise the alarm located nearest to their classroom.
On hearing the fire alarm:
- Take the attendance clipboard hanging on the wall.
- Line the children up in single file.
- Ensure there are no children in toilets.
- Instruct children on which door to exit.
- Teacher STANDS at classroom door until last child has exited the classroom.
- Children line up outside on their own yard line.
- Teacher will do a headcount, then call the Rolla.
- Teachers and classes stay outside in their lines until principal decides what to do.
Areas of Hazard | Named Hazard | Steps to avoid injury | Person Responsible |
Classrooms | Anti-social/Aggressive behaviour
Water spills/liquid spills
Windows opened outwards at head level
Art Materials
School bags
Danger of drinking non-drinking water
Blind cords
Lifting a child |
Implement School’s Code of Good Behaviour
Keep rolls of towel in each room to clean up wet surfaces
Windows checked daily and closed over at yard times
Art materials kept out of the way and monitor when in use
Children trained to place schoolbags in specific areas i.e. under desks, on hooks, back of chairs etc.
Pupils trained to use correct bins appropriately
Clear signs non-drinking
Ensure chains are out of harm’s way.
Relevant staff instructed in Manual handling where necessary
All teachers
All staff
Relevant classroom teachers
All teachers and SNAs
All teachers
All teachers
All teachers
All teachers
All teachers |
Main Office | All electrical main switches, incl. computer and photocopier
All main switches turned off outside office hours and holiday times | Secretary/Caretaker |
Storage Rooms | Cleaning chemicals | Cupboard and door to storage rooms kept bolted shut | Cleaning staff/caretaker |
Resource Storage rooms, strong room, P.E., Music, SEN etc.
Classroom resources on multiple shelves.
These doors are locked at all times and inaccessible to children | All Staff |
Boiler House | Contents of the Boiler room | These doors are locked at all times and inaccessible to children | All Staff |
Yards and grounds | Dogs in yard | Ring bell and seek addition help to bring children in from yard if dog cannot be removed,
No dogs permitted signs erected on school grounds, verbal/written warning to offenders |
Principal /Safety Rep |
Entrance Areas/Corridors/Doors | Security of entrance and exit doors
Fire exit doors obstructed |
Front door to be locked from 8.55 to 9.15am
Kept closed at all times. Doors unlocked and free from obstructions while staff/ pupils/visitors are on the premises |
All staff |
Unit Kitchen | Fire
Child entering unsupervised, hot oven doors etc. |
Door to be bolted shut when no responsible adult present | All staff |
PE room | Chairs/benches positioned too close to radiator | Position away from radiator | Each class teacher/ visiting teachers i.e. yoga, drama, dance teachers |
Classrooms/staff rooms/ offices | Covid 19 transmission | Send any children with symptoms of Covid 19 home
Covid 19 risk assessment Covid 19 procedure for dealing with suspected case |
All staff |
Entire School | Bomb Threat | Evacuate as per fire drill evacuate procedure, call 999 or 112, await professional instruction from emergency services | All Staff |
Playground | Fall/Injury | Supervision – playground cannot be used when no responsible adult present. | All teachers/SNAs |