November in Junior Infants Ms Kelly Room 2

November in Junior Infants Ms Kelly Room 2

Another day at the doctor’s surgery, another receptionist

Bringing the baby into the nurse for her injection.

Our Aistear theme this month was ‘The Doctor’s Surgery’ for the first two weeks of November and ‘The Hospital’ for the second two weeks.  We learned lots of new vocabulary related to this theme.   We did a variety of activities including role-play in the surgery/the hospital/the pharmacy, small world role play using miniature hospital figures and hospital, surgery etc

Cutting and pasting.
Pencil control with a medical theme!
Parts of the skeleton, cut out and assemble.

Small world surgery. IMG_1150

Collecting the prescription from the pharmacy.

We made play-doh representations of various medical equipment and personnel, coloured themed pictures, built ‘a surgery’ and ‘a hospital’ using construction materials, cut out a variety of medical-related items and created medical scenarios etc.   We read books related to our themes, both fiction and non-fiction and discussed them as well as having talk sessions about our own experiences. Examining another patient. Breathe in!

‘Receptionist’ working hard in the Doctor’s surgery!