We have been very busy in Scoil Bhríde working towards our fourth green flag. The theme for this flag is travel. The boys and girls have been making an extra special effort to travel to school in a green way – walking, cycling, scooting, taking the bus or parking and striding!
Before our mid-term break in February, we held a ‘Week of Action’! Children from first and second class took part in scooter workshops. The whole school went for a ‘Walk on Wednesday’ and children worked so hard on their entries for our ‘Design a Helmet’ competition! The winners were presented with their prizes at assembly. We held a very exciting competition called ‘The Golden Boot’. Classes recorded the number of children travelling to school in a green way and posted their score on the door each day. At the end of the week, we counted up the scores and the winners were presented with their trophy! We held a special assembly and discussed the results of our travel survey. Members of the Green School Committee made an announcement over Ms. Dillon’s intercom each day! They read our green code and an interesting fact about travel in Ireland.
Everyone made a fantastic effort to travel in a green way during our week of action – well done to all the boys and girls in Scoil Bhríde! Don’t forget our green code – ‘Don’t be lazy by taking a ride! Walk, cycle or park and stride!’ and keep up the great work!