Christmas is Coming…
Dates and times for our Christmas concerts:
Tuesday 11th December
09:30 Ms. Duffy Room 11
10:30 Ms Crotty Room 3
11:30 Ms. Kelly Room 17
Wednesday 12th December
09:30 Ms. Ní Bhradáin Room2
10:30 Ms. Reynolds Room 5
11:30 Ms. Owens Room 19
Thursday 13th December
09:30 Ms. Harvey Room 1
10:30 Ms. Horan Room 8
Friday 14th December
.09:30 Ms. Keogh Room 4
10:30 Ms. Begley Room 10
11:30 Ms. Mc Ginn Room 21
Monday 17th December
09:30 Ms. Burke Room 15
10:30 Ms. Fisher Room 20
11:30 Ms. Keegan Room 13
Wednesday 19th December
09:30 Ms. Bowers Room 12
10:30 Ms. Ward Room 14
Other special dates:
The Scoil Bhríde School Choir sing Christmas carols in Dublin airport on Thursday 13th Deecmeber at 11:30 am.
Santa Claus visits Scoil Bhríde on Tuesday 18th December.
School closes for the Christmas holidays at 12 noon on the 21st December and reopens on Monday 7th January.