Dear Parents. Guardians and Children, I hope you are enjoying the lovely summer! I also hope that all children are taking advantage of the great weather and playing outdoors as much as possible. Due to technical difficulties we were unable to send out an end of year Newsletter before the holidays began. However, it is...
Author: scoilbhride_admin
Active Week 2018!
We had a very busy final week in school – it was Active Week! Well done to all the boys and girls, teachers and parents who took part in the various activities including skipping and running workshops, dancing and the annual sponsored walk! We know everyone was tired and HOT, so well done ! ...
A 4th Green Flag for Scoil Bhríde!
Congratulations to Ms. Stewart, Ms. Lynch, the Green School Committee and all our boys, girls, mams and dads on being awarded our 4th green flag. This one is for transport and involved a big effort from all our families to try to increase the number of pupils walking, scooting and cycling to school. We were...
Snakes in Scoil Bhríde!
The Parents Association threw a post communion party for our three 2nd classes to celebrate their special day! Kinsealy Pet Store were invited along and brought some interesting guests to the party!
Sports Day 2018
Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in Sports Day yesterday. It was a great success and good fun was had by all. The rain held off thankfully! Special congratulations to our 2nd Class pupils who took part in competitive running and sack races this year. Thank you to our Parents...
Scoil Bhríde @ Junior Park Run!
A huge well done to our boys and girls (and their mammies and daddies!) who were up bright and early last Sunday morning to take part in the St. Anne’s Junior Park Run for Active Schools Week. It is a great event and the children really enjoyed it! Don’t forget it takes place every Sunday...
St. Anne’s Junior Park Run
Gillian and Amanda from Junior Park Run came to tell us all about this great event. It is a free, 2k run for 4 – 14 year olds held in St. Anne’s Park every Sunday morning at 9:20 am. This week – Sunday the 29th of April – we are hoping for a big turn...
Lá na Gaeilge!
Bhí ceolchoirm iontach sa halla inniu! Bhí na paistí ag damhsa agus ag canadh. Maith sibh gach duine!
An Tuar Ceatha Caillte!
We watched a bilingual play this week as part of our celebrations for Seachtain na Gaeilge! The story of An Tuar Ceatha Caillte (The Lost Rainbow) was told in English and in Irish! We really enjoyed it! Bhí sé an mhaith ar fad!
Ms. Owens’ 2nd class ‘Tom Crean’
Our class made a video about Tom Crean. If you would like to view it click the link below. Tom Crean